Sunday, April 13, 2008

and the fun begins...

Well after waiting nearly 10 months, tomorrow is the big day. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 in the morning to begin my induction because Luke and my body have come to a decision not to go into labor on their own. I'm so overwhelmed and full of so many emotions that I just can't quite put it all together. I've wanted to be a mom since I was a child playing with my dolls and tomorrow that happens. How unreal is that?

I hope that I can be the kind, supportive, loving, and firm parent that I always that I would want to be. I hope that I can guide him through the rough spots in life and celebrate the joys with him. I hope that I can share a deep love of God with him and teach him to appreciate every blessing that life has to offer. I hope I can help him to make the best possible choices that he can in his life and I hope he knows that no matter what he does, my love for him will never waiver or change.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

blog neglect=epic post

Wow... It has been an insanely long time since I have updated this! I guess I've been holding out thinking that this child would make an exit from my body and then I would catch up. No such luck as he officially has no plans to come out any time soon. As of my Dr.'s appointment last night, I have still not dilated at all and I am barely effaced. With this past Sunday being the official due date and the Dr. fearing my child is "a really good size" (he said that as he was laughing-so encouraging I tell you!), I am going to be induced on Monday, April 14 at 5:30 in the morning. He let us know that the induction could take up to two days (?!?) or if he's too large, they'll take him by c-section. So much for the natural childbirth I had hoped for! At this point, I would just like a healthy baby on the outside of my body.

The showers went really well and I felt so blessed to have so many family and friends be a part of such an important event in my life!

Family Shower:

This is the diaper cake that my sister made for precious!

Friends Shower:

I'm about spent for now with the update. I have so much more to add, but I think that this is a good start!