Sunday, April 13, 2008

and the fun begins...

Well after waiting nearly 10 months, tomorrow is the big day. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 in the morning to begin my induction because Luke and my body have come to a decision not to go into labor on their own. I'm so overwhelmed and full of so many emotions that I just can't quite put it all together. I've wanted to be a mom since I was a child playing with my dolls and tomorrow that happens. How unreal is that?

I hope that I can be the kind, supportive, loving, and firm parent that I always that I would want to be. I hope that I can guide him through the rough spots in life and celebrate the joys with him. I hope that I can share a deep love of God with him and teach him to appreciate every blessing that life has to offer. I hope I can help him to make the best possible choices that he can in his life and I hope he knows that no matter what he does, my love for him will never waiver or change.

Wish me luck!


Andrea Daniels said...

I can't wait to meet Luke. You made me cry. You are going to be the most amazing mom. I can't wait to watch you and Keith grow as parents. I love you both so much and will be praying for you SO big. Love you!

Tara said...

Thinking and praying for you all today! We are eagerly awaiting the good news. I hope that everything went as smoothly as possible and that you are now (or will soon be) holding your precious baby boy.