Monday, August 31, 2009

18 weeks

This is a few weeks old at this point, but I was thinking to myself the other day: I love to see pictures that people post of their pregnant bellies. Maybe I'm completely weird, but in case any of you have the same tummy infatuation that I do, enjoy.


Andrea Daniels said...

You look awesome! I am so excited to find out what it (I think she) is!!! Love you

Belinda said...

You are so cute!!!

Heather said...

If you're weird I am too! You are too cute!

Traci Tenkely said...

awwww...bebe belly.

Carrie Ann said...

You are so super cute!I love seeing the pictures too, so keep posting them! Have you seen Christy's on her facebook page lately? She is really bad about updating her blog with them... :)

Mattie said...

YAY belly!!