For those of you who may not already know, I'm at a blogging conference in Salt Lake City this weekend called SNAP and I'm having a blast. I've met great new bloggy buddies, I've learned so much, and I'm enjoying a little "me" time. My days have been filled to the brim with logistical seat saving, craning to take pictures of amazing speakers, and quickly scrawling notes of all the gems that these geniuses have to offer.
But if I'm being 100% honest, I feel like I'm missing out.
I received a phone call from Keith last night during our dinner letting me know that Reagan went on the potty for the first time ever. And I missed it. And I know what you're thinking: why are you sad about poo? It's really not the poo that I'm sad about -- I can guarantee you that! I'm sad that I wasn't there to celebrate her new accomplishment.
I feel awful that I missed such a big milestone. I miss my kids and husband terribly and this has helped cement to me that as much as I love and adore blogging, I love and adore my family WAY more. One of my goals for the Sweet Rose Studio blog that I'd set awhile ago was to attend more conferences so that I can learn and grow this fledgling business of mine. Now that I've had to leave the state to attend one, I'm determined that I will only ever being leaving my family for this once a year from now on.
The message that is the theme for this conference is Be Authentic; Be You and I'm certain that in order for me to be that person, I need to remember what my main focus is: my family.
I fly home on Sunday and can't wait to squeeze the beejesus out of the three most important people in my life, but until then, I'll enjoy myself and keep missing them.
How to Draw a Carnation
1 year ago