Wednesday, August 15, 2007

i'm too excited to sleep!

We get to go to our first doctor's appointment tomorrow and I am so excited! It's been almost three weeks since we tested and the time seems to have dragged along to this point. It will be so nice to finally get a *definite* answer! (although if I don't think its definite at this point after such a long cycle, I must not understand NFP, God, nature, and all other kinds of things)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

a confession...

I have to make a confession...I almost stole the school cafeteria cheeseburger of a seven-year-old today. I felt so possessed to eat the hockey puck-like food, that I *almost* took it and ran. When I realized how crazy that sounded, I restrained myself and stepped away from the burger. These cravings could become an issue.

Solution: Keith took me to In-n-Out for dinner and I feel much better. Problem solved!

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Jill gave me this amazing book: The Pregnancy Journal. It basically goes through everyday of the pregnancy and explains what is happening with the baby (our baby!), my body, and it also gives helpful advice about coping with pregnancy and parenthood. One of the best parts is that there are spots to fill in my moods, cravings, weight, and other important stuff I'll want to remember later.

The entries for the past two days in the baby section have been so amazing to me. Two days ago, the size of the amniotic sac was the size of a grape. Yesterday, our child was about the size of a sesame seed and today our baby's heart was supposed to start beating. Our child's heart was beating. took me am moment to wrap my head around that one. I am just constantly amazed that within the next eight months, we will have a baby.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

and baby makes three...

Well folks, it's (semi) official. We're going to have a baby in about 8 months. I mean semi-official because for some reason, I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that there is life growing inside of me. Also, I don't necessarily accept the test results of peeing on a stick. I'll feel much more reassured that this isn't some freak occurrence went the doctor says that we are *for reals* pregnant.

I am completely overwhelmed, excited, surprised, nervous, and so many other emotions that I can't even begin to express....except one more: nauseous. I've started to get this feeling at certain points through out the day where I have to eat something for fear I might hurl. Wow, this could lead to a great time!

Today was a very insightful day to me as to what could be coming in the near future. I was at Target with Andrea looking at the baby stuff. I picked up a newborn sleeper and realized that something that size would be coming out of my body in 8 months. Holy crap! I think the hormones are starting to do something because I got teary at the thought. Who cries in the baby section at Target? Apparently me.

Another realization: If I didn't already have horribly crappy directionality skills before, I think that our child or my sudden constant sleepiness has rid my brain of whatever skills in that department I had left. (Mental note: Definitely get navigation system in my next vehicle!) I would like to apologize to Andrea for getting us lost, err, taking the scenic route, through what I believe was Tempe.