Saturday, December 5, 2009


I feel like I'm in the home stretch of this pregnancy.

I have slightly less than 8 weeks until the expected date of arrival and although my body has started to ache more, the heartburn has become much more manageable and because she's running out of room, she hasn't been able to beat me as forcefully. I'm now contending with rolling and pushing instead of punching and kicking. I'll take these new movements any day over what she was doing to me before. All-in-all, I'm feeling much more positive now about the second-baby experience than I was even up to a few weeks ago. You could also attribute some of my new found enlightenment to the fact that its has occurred to me that there is an end in sight and that I only have two more weeks of school until I get a glorious and much needed two week break.

So until the time she graces us with her presence, I will enjoy (or try to enjoy) the feeling of being a turtle stuck on its back when I try to get up from the couch or out of bed. It sure makes for some good laughs and that laughter has sure helped boost my spirits.


Traci Tenkely said...

Only 8 weeks! Crazy. Hang in there I can't wait to meet her!

Mattie said...

I never realized it until you said it, but it really does feel like being a turtle on it's back.

Let the countdown begin...10 school days left!

Kristi @ Lolly Jane said...

ohmygoodness your letter to luke was SO SWEET!! i can't wait for your lil miss to make her grand debut :)

Belinda said...

The turtle visual is so cute!!