Sunday, June 12, 2011

memorial day 2011

So I know it's already been a few weeks since Memorial Day, but Keith and I had such a good, low-key time with the kids that I couldn't go without posting. I'll just prepare you ahead of time: there will be a lot of pictures and not a lot of words.

Reagan is in love with the tutu that her Aunt Beth made for her. She still asks (aka grunts) to wear it on an almost daily basis.

We started the afternoon with some drawing on the sidewalk.

The lovely folks who live behind us seems to enjoy shooting bee bees (sp?) into our yard so Luke spent some time hunting for them.

I love these two goofy kids.

Luke loves to convince Keith to race him and it tends to be a tight race. Luke is fast! Reagan and I love to be the cheerleaders.

Reagan was so enthralled with watching the birds fly overhead. I think she was secretly disappointed that they didn't wave back.

One of the sprinklers in the grass was acting up and Luke and Reagan were more than happy to help out.

Like I said earlier, we didn't do anything special, didn't attend any party, but just got to spend some quality time together. 

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