I would like to start by saying that I think the people at Treeland must get sick of seeing Luke and I show up at Treeland because we manage to distract a good portion of the employees during the time we are there. I'm sorry.
Luke and I really wanted to visit though, so we made the trip in today. Luke got to spend some quality time with Aunt Holly and even helped her answer the phone a few times.
We also took a family picture. If I don't ask to be in pictures, you'd never see me on here.
Donn (aka Ta Ta, Grandpa, Bampa, Boompa...whatever Luke decides to call him) spent a good chunk of time with us but tends to be a little camera-shy. I'll work on that. I think Steve, the manager of Treeland, was feeling a bit jealous and left out. I caught him making this face:
You are the cutest wife/mom ever! I bet you just make Keith's day surprising him at work (not to mention the rest of the fam)
Sometimes though, ya just gotta snap a self photo heh ;)
I'm totally digging the jean shorts and polo ensemble! Also too funny that he and daddy are almost twins!
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