Can you believe that this was how big my Reagan was two days after she was born? Such a tiny peanut. Well, at the time she didn't seem so tiny as she was born weighing just shy of 9 pounds. But now? She is this wonderful, growing ball of girl and I couldn't be happier.
Reagan and I have finally gotten on the same page about sleep and thank goodness for that. For the past 2ish weeks, she's taken two 2hr naps during the day and then will sleep pretty solidly from 8pm until 7:30ish in the morning. Hallelujah! We tested a few different things to see what affected her sleep and it seems that she might have just been cold while she was sleeping. Reagan is now outfitted with some super cute feetie jammies (!), her fan has been adjusted to the medium setting, and things have been much better round these parts.
I think another thing that helped Reagan with her sleep is that she is now a champ at finding binks and putting them in her mouth on her own. I don't have to sneak in her room to carefully plug her sweet screaming mouth anymore because she can do it solo.That was another hallelujah moment this month!
Although you could never tell by looking at her, Reagan is a chunker. I am seriously not able to get the food in her mouth fast enough. What took Luke nearly an hour to eat at this age takes Reagan a mere 5 minutes. This girl inhales food like its nobody's business. Keith and I frequently just stare at her in awe after she finishes eating. Did she really just finish all of that that fast?
Reagan has also become a very adept army crawler. I have to keep a very close eye on her because in the blink of an eye she can escape to another room in the house. The serious baby proofing has begun again in the the Waltemeyer household. She also has a very sneaky, sassy personality which in combination with her quickness makes for the need to constant supervision.
Reagan is slowly becoming more smiley. She's laughing more often and seems like she might actually be enjoying her life now. Maybe its because she's sleeping better, maybe its because she's able to physically do more, maybe its just because she's realizing she now runs our house. Who knows? Any way I look at it, I'm happy that she's happy.
She is so gorgeous!
Funny about the temperature thing. I never thought to tell you about that with Josh. We can't put his fan on at night, he gets entirely too cold and it wakes him. I swear, the eating, sleeping, and binky. Our two were made for each other!
Glad to hear she's sleeping better. What I wouldn't give to have Evan sleep past 4:30am!
holy moly time FLIES!!!!
we need to get together for a playdate THIS WEEK, sister! i have to see your cute kiddles :)
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