I know that I always say it, but I am constantly amazed at how life seems to fly by. Reagan is now nine months old (really nine and a half...like I said in a previous post, life happens) and she is as adorable, crazy, cute, and princess as ever. She's reached some pretty big milestones this month and she's getting big fast.
Reagan went for her nine month check-up and at that time, she measured 29.5in. long (96%), measured 17.2in. head circumference (42%), and weighed in at 17lbs. 11oz. (28%). Yeah, she's a skinny thing, but her doctor isn't concerned yet. He's attributing it to the fact that she is now way more mobile than she was previously. She's just our sweet string bean.
Reagan has gotten a chance to try more foods this month and has found a new obsession: puffs. That girl will grunt feverishly until you pour some on her tray and then she'll moan the entire time she crams them by the fistful into her mouth. The whole process really cracks us up. She stills downs her food in record time compared to Luke and isn't shy about demanding more if she's still hungry.
Our silly girl loves to stick her tongue out. I have seriously so many pictures with the girl's tongue hanging out of her mouth. We weren't sure the cause or the reasoning behind it, but we had an inkling that it might be due to teeth. Up until yesterday, she still had none. Reagan was still our little toothless wonder, but after yesterday's afternoon nap, we can longer call her that! She has only one tiny tooth that barely has popped its way through her gum, but we will take what we can get!
I love dressing my girl up and accessorizing her. I was so excited when I found out that I was having a girl this time and actually missed the first bow making class that I'd signed up because I was in labor too early. They were nice enough to let me reschedule, so my mom and I sat there through the class as I was suffering through some pretty intense contractions a few weeks later. I swear Reagan has more bows and flowers than she'll probably ever wear, but I have this crazy need to keep making more. My only issue now is that Reagan loves to rip her headbands off and her hair isn't thick enough yet to anchor a clip on its own. Have no fear though, I will not be deterred and I will keep trying to convince her that she really does need to wear them.
Reagan really has gotten way more mobile over the past month. She still prefers to army crawl everywhere and--dang!--girl is fast! She could actually crawl if she put her mind to it, but I think she likes speed instead of style. She's also started pulling herself up on the edges of the furniture. It is so freakin' adorable how excited she gets when she pulls herself up near Luke. You can tell she is just genuinely happy to be near him (or his toys)...that is until he starts trying to play with her. Luke still hasn't realized his own strength...
Reagan has become a much more happy baby over the past few months. There is definitely more smiling and laughing coming from her tiny body which, if I'm being completely honest, is SO much more fun than the constant princess-behavior that she exhibited the first six-ish months of her life. Don't get me wrong, she can still whip out a piercing scream like its nobody's business, but they are more few and far between. But, happy or sad, screaming or smiling, she's my princess and I love her. All of her.