Wednesday, May 6, 2009


The blog book is off to the presses! Blurb can slurp your blog posts and format them into a book for you. That was all fine and dandy until I realized that every single post was in the exact same identical format. Not too fabulous if you're a little visually-ocd like myself. The pictures didn't all fit quite right and some posts were only two sentences long. Those ones surely didn't merit an entire page! I've spent the last week editing all of my posts from the beginning of the blog until the chair post; basically all the posts documenting Luke's first year of life. I figure that now if I don't get to the scrapbook I intend on eventually doing, I'll have a good record of what happened. 

It was an intensive process, probably due to the fact that the book was 250ish pages when I started it and ended up being 208 pages when all was said and done. Like I said: visually-ocd.

Anywho-glad it's done. I think Keith is even more excited. He actually asked me if he gets his wife back now. 

I'm all yours sweetheart. :)


Jessi said...

Yay!! I love Blurb books! :) Can't wait to see it!

Traci Tenkely said...

Fun! I bet it turned out great! I seriously love the internet and people are much smarter than I am for creating these great things.

Eric Hildwine said...

Wow, I got the front cover pic! I'll be waiting for the residual checks in the mail...