Tuesday, January 13, 2009

funky flash=black & white

This past Sunday was beautiful outside. Actually, the past week or so has been gorgeous. 70-ish degrees outside with a slight breeze and little-to-no clouds. Perfect Phoenix weather in the dead of winter.
Keith was in the backyard burying some kind of wiring so Luke and I decided to watch. Never one to miss a picture-taking opportunity, we started shooting some pictures of him. I didn't realize until afterwards that the flash was set funky which made all of the pictures turn out this dull, bluish color. To make the best of the situation and to not lose any of the pictures, I made them black and white instead. Here are my favorites:


Heather said...

Ooh these turned out very cute! I love black and white pics! I especially like the one where Luke is attempting the sprinkler :)

Katie {Sweet Rose Studio} said...

Thanks Heather! I appreciate that he's starting to mimic his dad's dancing skills already. ;)

Traci Tenkely said...

So handsome - I also love the black and white.

Kyle said...

It was so good to see you and Luke the other day! He is seriously the most smiley baby I know! I love the black and white... even if it was an accident!