Saturday, May 2, 2009

two-ish weeks is too long

For the past two weeks, I've been dealing with the aftermath of the ankle sprain

combined with the lovely timing of Luke's top four teeth coming in all at once

which has not made for the most convenient of times to update the blog. I apologize and I have a lot to catch up on. 

All I know is that the baby, er toddler?, that has been residing with us for the past two weeks was nothing like the kid we knew for the first year of his life. Our theory was that maybe this last year was so great that maybe we used all of our good-baby magic dust during that first year. Luckily, that was not the case. This sweet boy made a return appearance the past few days.

So glad he's back. 


Heather said...

Hooray for healed ankles and more teeth! Glad you managed to find more magic dust! ;)

Belinda said...

I love the proud look on his face in the last picture.

Traci Tenkely said...

Maybe its the monkey tee that has put the smile back on his face? I know if I had an awesome monkey shirt I would smile more!