Monday, January 24, 2011


Although no one out there is probably sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for Reagan's first birthday posts (let's be honest, there will be more than one), I wanted to get this out there so that someday when Reagan looks back at this blog book, she doesn't think that I forgot her birthday or simply put off writing about it. I'm already three days late posting and I didn't want to let this slide any longer.

In all honesty, I'm sick. Really sick. I think the crazy amounts of stress from the past month finally caught up with me and my body couldn't defend itself anymore. Between the holidays, Randy's hospital stay, Reagan's poo issues, ending my time breastfeeding, Luke's sickness this past week, Reagan's birthday and party, and just being a mom and wife, I just don't think I could handle one more thing.

So my dear Regan, when I am feeling a smidge better, I promise I will write all about how much this first year of your life has meant to your dad and I, how fabulous your party was, and how much I look forward to the years to come.

Until then, happy birthday my sweet princess. Momma and Daddy love you.

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