Saturday, November 29, 2008

the first thanksgiving

I was very excited for Luke to experience his first Thanksgiving this year, although it wasn't until the end of the day that I realized next year will be much more exciting for him as he will actually be able to eat the food we chow down. Oh well! I think the best part of Thanksgiving is that Keith got to spend the whole day with us. Typically his days off are only Sundays when we have to get to church and run errands throughout the day. On Thursday, we were able to lounge around the house and enjoy each other's company. Luke, Keith, and Rosco even got some quality play time in on the floor.

After his morning nap, we tried to take some pictures in front of the Christmas Tree. These were the best we could do, even after some strategic cropping due to weird posing.

Our first stop for the day was my Aunt Brenda and Uncle Pat's house. This is my dad's side of the family. Luke was due to take his afternoon nap while we were there, but he wanted to see and experience everything so it ended up being a 20 minute power nap on Keith.

After Pat and Brenda's, we ventured over to my grandparent's house. He ate his sweet potatoes and prunes like a champ and managed to stay awake and fairly happy for awhile. We brought his activity table which really helped the cause.

Luke also got snuggle time with Great Grandma Sandy and Auntie Scoobie.

I would say Luke had a great first Thanksgiving and we can't wait to share many more with him!

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