Monday, April 26, 2010

light in the tunnel

There is an end in sight. With the completion of today at school, I have only four more Mondays left until I enter into a semi-permanent retirement.

Although I'll always be cultivating positive learning experiences for my own kiddos, I won't have to do it for those children in my class that really couldn't care less. I do love my class this year; I was blessed with some amazing kids. But you know the saying that one bad apple can ruin the bunch? As much as I try to fight it, I can't help but have that feeling towards my class this year. Maybe its the constant state of zombie-ism that I currently find myself in or the fact that I really just want to be at home with Luke and Reagan. Maybe I'm just burned out. Maybe I'm disillusioned with all of the budget drama and employment/unemployment hulabaloo.

Anyway you or I look at it, it's only four Mondays left.

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