Sunday, January 9, 2011

slow going

But at least its going.

Randy continues to move through the phases typical of someone coming out of a coma. These parts of his recovery are particularly hard on my parents. I won't go into specific details to respect their privacy, but it has had its ups and downs the past few days. I can share that my mom and dad were very excited today when Randy gave them both kisses on their cheeks. I was even lucky enough to get one tonight when I was with him!

Randy is scheduled for another MRI tomorrow, so hopefully we get more of an idea of what caused his seizures in the first place. The doctors still don't know why this has all happened and I find it hard to know what the outlook or prognosis is and where to go from here. If you don't know what part is broke, how do you fix it?

We just keep putting our faith in God and trust in his doctors hoping for the best.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katie my thoughts and prays go out to you and your family... I'm so sorry about the situation, no one likes to go through medical problems. Hope all is well.