Family Picture
My baby
Grandma and Pop with Luke and Killian
Family Picture
My baby
Grandma and Pop with Luke and Killian
We also learned this month that Luke enjoys being out of his car seat when we go shopping. He had a great first experience when we put him in the shopping cart at Sam's.
This one is from the back. You can see the stage behind us.
During the intermission, which was apparently sponsored by Snuggle, this ginormous dancing bear came out on stage. We thought it was hilarious so I took a picture.
The second half of the show had all of the dances we had really been looking forward to. First, Mia Michaels' door routine with Katee and Twitch:
Tabatha and Napoleon's Bleeding Love with Chelsea and Mark:
Another Tabatha and Napoleon routine with Katee and Joshua:
The whole cast:
I had such a great time and can't wait for next year. Thanks ladies!
After presents and cake, we hung out in the backyard for awhile. The weather was gorgeous and the kids had a great time playing together. This is Emma with her new Dustbuster. I seriously think this might have been her favorite gift.
Berlynn with a tiara on because she was a princess
Luke and Gabrielle trying to get each other
After all the gifts were opened, the moms, me not included, made Holly put this on in practice for the rehearsal. Poor girl.
After everyone had gone and we were all cleaned up, we were able to spend some time together and we were able to bring Luke out from hiding, I mean a nap, from our room. He had to show everyone how good he's getting at sitting up!