I look back now on my time being pregnant remembering that it seemed to go by fairly quickly. It helped that I was teaching during the entire time, so I never really had a chance to just dwell on the fact that I was carrying a child. Just kidding-the first three months when I felt nauseous every. single. afternoon (although I never threw up) and slept almost constantly during that time and the last two weeks when he refused to come out seemed to drag, but overall, an amazing experience that I look forward to having again someday.
But as fast as that time went, this time has gone by at even more accelerated speed. I know my life isn't crazy exciting, or most days even a little exciting, but I feel like Luke was just born yesterday. I blink and he's grown another inch. I wake up in the morning and he went from just lying there one day to being so close to walking. I 've been here for every minute, yet I feel like it's happening so fast that I can't keep up.
The beginning of this journey...

...the middle...

...and where we are now.
You are so cute, Katie! Love your blog!
omigosh! for a brief moment I thought you were going to tell us you are already on number two! I just got really excited.
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