Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Should have been posted: December 19th

In preparation of his sister's arrival, Luke officially gave up his crib/toddler bed in lieu of a grand big boy bed! Its actually been sitting our garage since this summer when we found out we were expecting again. It was such a good deal at the time that we decided to buy it then so we were ready for whenever Luke needed to switch over.

After thinking long and hard about it, I wanted to make sure that Luke was in his bed for awhile before the baby was born so that he didn't feel some extra jealousy towards his sister because she was now in his bed. After the whole food poisoning/labor debacle, we definitely needed to make the transition happen a little bit faster. Because I was basically on bed rest at this point, Andi was nice enough to come help Keith put the bed together. Luke had an awesome time helping too.

So excited to help build his big boy bed!

They had to take apart and reassemble the crib in Reagan's room.

Luke kept thing interesting as they put it together.

How many people and degrees does it take to put together the bed rail? Three people with two Bachelor's degrees and a doctorate of Pharmacy...and we still really struggled. Why was this part harder than the actual bed?

Ta da!

Luke is ready to test it out!

Luke has done really well in his new bed. He thinks its the coolest thing that he gets to use a step stool to get in and that he has different sports balls on his bed. I'm so glad that he enjoys it; one less thing to worry about before the baby gets here!


Andrea Daniels said...

Thanks for only putting pictures where my hair covered my face. I know I looked hideous that morning!

Jessi said...

omg i love the last picture!