Well, it was a long time coming, but we finally had Reagan baptized Sunday, November 21.
For some crazy reason, I had it stuck in my head that I really wanted her baptized in the new church. This plan was all great and dandy when the original opening of the church was supposed to happen late June, early July. At that point, she'd be about 5 months old. Not as soon as I would've liked, but acceptable. But as typical construction jobs go, the open date was continuously pushed back and delayed. After it finally opened, coordinating schedules was the next hurdle. Finally, finally, on her 10 month birthday we were able to have her baptized.
Because we have two priests in our family, they have typically always performed the baptisms. In this case, schedules just didn't coordinate, so we took part in the group baptism that St. Mary Magdalene offers one weekend a month. Reagan was lucky enough to be baptized with about 10 other children. It was neat to celebrate the sacrament of baptism with so many other people.
This is one of the only good pictures that we have of Reagan with her Godparents, Eric and Jill. I'm on a mission to get a better picture of her with them and write up a separate post about them. Please don't think we've forgotten about you guys!
Great pics!!
congrats!! (:
i love the pic with Christ on the cross in the background. very fitting.
your little girl is an angel. i hope she's finally feeling better!!
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